PriceCast C-Store

The next phase of predictive pricing.

As the convenience store becomes an increasingly important part of the fuel station offering, imagine how artificial intelligence could transform your product pricing strategy.

Customer data

Use your customer data to unearth opportunities that you might otherwise miss.


Increase customer loyalty with relevant, timely offers based on their purchasing behaviours.

map customer

Map customer behaviours on the site to build a better understanding of their needs.

optimal price

Calculate the optimal price of products based on emerging behaviours and price sensitivity of customers.


Fully customisable to your business objectives and constraints.


Our expert team are on hand to guide you through the set-up process and beyond.

How to solve a problem with AI – Price Capture

How to solve a problem with AI – Price Capture

Artificial intelligence has the potential to solve a wide range of problems for businesses. To successfully apply and deliver a solution we must first clearly define the inputs and outputs, find good sources of data to train the AI, cast the problem in a way to fit...

Dow Jones Acquires A2i Systems

Dow Jones Acquires A2i Systems

Latest acquisition advances Dow Jones’s energy business with industry-leading artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities  Dow Jones announced that it has acquired A2i Systems, a world leader in AI-powered fuel pricing solutions.  A2i adds to Dow Jones’s growing suite...

The power of PriceCast

The power of PriceCast

As forecourts evolve away from the traditional fuel first model towards multi-purpose mobility hubs that offer a range of charging, retail and additional services, our solutions must evolve with them. For over 15 years A2i Systems has provided artificial intelligent...